lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Choose your favorite among these four songs that have made history.

Elige tu favorita entre estas 4 canciones que han hecho historia.

   Desde Eurofan Daily Post les pedimos que nos digan cual de estas 4 canciones que han hecho historia en Eurovision por diferentes motivos es su favorita.

   Las canciones elegidas son:

1. Waterloo del grupo ABBA.

2. Fairytale, de Alexander Rybak.

3. Euphoria, from Loreen.

4. Save your kisses for me, de Brotherhood of man.

   Puedes votar a tu favorita en la zona de votaciones, conoce mejor las candidaturas y por que han hecho historia, en nuestra pagina Eurofan Daily Heart.

Choose your favorite among these four songs that have made history.

At Eurofan daily post, we ask you to choose among these four songs, which have made history at Eurovision for some reasons.

The songs chosen are:

1. Waterloo, from ABBA.

2. Fairytale, from Alexander Rybak.

3. Euphoria, from Loreen,

4.Save your kisses for me, from Brotherhood of man.

You can vote for your favorite, get to know better the contestants and why they have made history, at our site Eurofan Daily Heart.

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