martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Eurovision is present at Stockholm gay pride.

Eurovisión presente en el gay pride de Estocolmo

 El gay pride de Estocolmo, que se celebrará la primera semana de Agosto, en el Pride Park de Estocolmo, contará con varias estrellas de Eurovisión de este año como, Ivi Adamou (Chipre), Eleftheria Eleftheriou (Grecia) y Ott Lepland (Estonia). Aparte de numerosos participantes del Melodi Festivalen como, Sean Banan (2012), Linda Sundblan (2011), entre otros.

    Además será Lena Philipsson representante de  Suecia en Eurovisión 2004,  la encargada de  cantar la canción   oficial del gay pride  de este año, ”Du följer väl med? (SoundFactory Pride Remix)”.

                                                                                                  Texto: Airam Sánchez

Eurovision is present at Stockholm gay pride.

   The Stockholm gay pride which is taking place in the beginning of August, at the Pride Park in Stockholm, will count on some of this year contestants at ESC' 12, such as Ivi Adamon, Cyprus. Eleftheria Eleftherion, Greece, Ott Lepland Estonia, apart from some of the artists who have already participated at Melodifestivalen as Sean Banan '12. Linda Sunbland. Besides, Lena Philipsson will be the one who will sing the official song of this year Pride.

                                                                                                        Text: Tomas Rodriguez


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