domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

We already have our Miss Eurovision Eurofan Daily Post 2012.

Ya tenemos a nuestra Miss Eurovision Eurofan Daily Post 2012

   Gracias a sus votos ya tenemos a nuestra  Miss Eurovision Eurofan Daily Post, y la afortunada con un porcentaje del 25%  de los votos es...

          La candidata número 2, Pastora Soler de España.

   Completamos la corte de honor con las primera y segunda

La 1º finalista es: Loreen de Suecia con el 19% de los votos.

   La 2º finalista es: Ivi Adamou de Chipre  con el 15% de los votos.

                                                                                                 Texto: Airam Sánchez

We already have our Miss Eurovision Eurofan Daily Post 2012.

   Thanks to your votes we already have a winner and the fortunate one with the 25% percentage is:

Contestant number 2, Pastora Soler from Spain

   And we finally complete the court of honour with the first finalist and second finalist.

         The first finalist is : Loreen from Sweden, with 19% percentage.

           The second finalist is: Ivi Adamou from Cyprus, with 15% percentage.

                                                                                                         Text: Tomas Rodriguez

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